
About me

Hi! I'm Daniel, a game designer and programmer from Spain, I've been a video game enthusiast my whole life, starting with space invaders at only 3 years old. The technical side of video games has always fascinated me, and while some of my friends were talking about how good the art of a game was, I found myself more focused on the design and internal behaviour of the game, often leading me to questions like: "How was this mechanic made?" or "How does this aspect function internally?" This led me to research some of the games I played with detail to understand things such as: odds, algorithms, mechanics, etc...

Nowadays, I have decided to dedicate myself to the creation of this amazing art called videogames, and for this I have created this website, its objective is to display the projects I've made so far, and also to give insights and some technical explanations of some features. I am very passionate about what I do and like to polish my projects as much as I can, with the aim of delivering the best possible user experience.

My current objetive is to join the game industry to demonstrate my hard-work and talent. While studying my program in video game design, I also studied a formation in front-end development in my spare time, so I have taken advantage of that to program my own website to display my work :)

Featured Project



Liam's Despair

Junk Seeker



Do not hesitate to contact me for any matter you might have :)

dsanchezrigol@gmail.com +34 622 31 20 24 linkedin-icon